Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday, Oh Sunday!

Today was a wonderful Sunday.  The Boy came in my room around 8 am and said: "Wake Up Momma! Time to Eat, Momma!"  So, I wondered in the kitchen to find Dad starting breakfast and him ready to go outside in his hat, t-shirt and diaper.  He's such a cutie. 

After breakfast we played outside a bit and then it was quickly time for nap.  It's not every day that they both take naps at the same time so I used that quiet time to relax and talk to my love, a million miles away.  I love the technology we have available to us.  We don't have to rely on pen and paper that takes weeks to get to you or an email that can just be words on a screen.  We have yahoo messenger and Skype that make it wonderfully possible to see and hear my husband no matter the miles between us.

I was able to put all our laundry away and store the winter clothes to transition to summer.  Today was a perfect 65 degree sunny day.  I am ready for t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops.  We made steaks for dinner and cupcakes for the people at work.  I also started cutting out coupons tonight.  I'm gonna give it a shot and see if I can actually reduce our grocery bill.  I know it takes time so we'll see if I have the patience to follow through with it for any length of time.  We ended our day with more playing outside and a bath with our new train bath toy.  A perfect ending to a perfect Sunday!

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