Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's Tough Being a "Single" Parent

I'm sure any fellow milspouse who has ever moved in with family while their husband is deployed can relate the the stress I sometimes find myself in.  Don't get me wrong, my parents are wonderful.  They watch the kids for me anytime I ask so that I can go to work, run errands, or see friends.  They help me pay for our essentials like food, diapers, etc. I am very fortunate that I have such a wonderful support system.

Despite all the bells and whistles that come with moving back in with my parents come the negatives.  For instance, my Dad does not understand or accept, depending on how you look at it, that he can't be the grandparent all the time when his grandchildren live with him.  There has to be a line.  I am forever telling The Boy he can't do or have something because with the grandparents he always can.  Now Mom is a little better at this than Dad, so I'll give her some credit there.

Tonight I just become overwhelmed by it all.  My dad gets so mad when I put The Boy in time-out for telling me "No" or refusing to eat his dinner because one of them mentions the word 'ice cream' as a snack for later.  I am the only parent, despite all the assistance, I am the one who has to be the enforcer -- all the time.  It stinks.  Dad told me today he didn't understand why I wouldn't give him a cookie when he asked.  I told him, in probably not the best way, that he didn't need a cookie, he hadn't eaten anything to speak of besides popcorn and whatever snacks he found while I was at work.  He had slept through lunch and it was apparent that we weren't fixing dinner due to our late lunch.  He just didn't need a cookie and I said "No."  Needless to say that conversation didn't end well, but I am his mother for cryin' out loud.  End vent.

Luis tells me all the time that I am too hard on them and they are trying to help, blah, blah, blah.  I just keep telling myself I'm not the only one who has been down this road, and this too shall pass.

On a random side note: Luis started a blog as well.  He did pretty good for his first one so please take a moment and check him out at A Soldier's Quest. 

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