Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One Day at a Time

Well, I survived Day 1 on WW.  It wasn't too bad, although there was a moment at work when I had to break down and eat a granola bar because I left my fruit at home.  It was only 3 points so I was able to fit it in my budget no problem.  I had used 15 points before I came home for dinner so I used my remaining 20 points to eat Dad's Beef and Noodles.  I don't really know the total points that meal was worth but I doubled up on my serving of vegetables and I ate half of what I would normal eat of the beef and noodles.  So, I would call that a successful first day.  I also saw my Dr. today and he wants to test my thyroid and see if I'm having any problems with that.  He said that could be the cause of my tiredness all the time and mild depression. 

He did give me something for depression, Zoloft, but I'm hesitant to take it.  Most of it is stubbornness.  Almost everyone in my family is on some kind of anti-depressant medication but I've been able to really manage and work through whatever signs of depression I might have had thus far.  I don't know what it is that I just can't seem to get past.  Maybe its the stress of having two children, trying to work, plan my educational path, live with my parents again, have a husband deployed, a weight gain of over 50 lbs since my wedding day, or most likely a combination of everything.  I am willing to admit I need some help, pills, therapy, whatever works because I am done feeling like I can't accomplish anything.  I have to find the old me.  I'm in here somewhere.

And, on a random side note.  I am now blonde again.  Bye, bye red and hello blonde.  I lost the charger for my camera otherwise I'd post a pic.  I'll work on that....


  1. Good luck with it. I could never be on a diet because I love food so instead I just work off the extra food I eat! :p

  2. I have struggled with depression all my life, and I feel the same way about meds sometimes. But, I decided a long time ago to not let my pride get in the way of my healing. :) There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking meds when your body is not functioning properly. Depression is a disease, just like any other. Hope you find some answers!

  3. Thank you, I haven't taken them yet. Still a little nervous I suppose.
