I'm not much of one for writing but I do enjoy reading other's blogs and I thought it would be nice to really share what goes on day-to-day for my husband to read while he's doing his thing in Iraq. So, here I am sharing my boring life as an Army wife and Mommy.

I am on deployment number 2 1/2. Why the half? I met my husband right before he deployed for his second time to Iraq. While he was there we began talking more and more about life, or goals and what we were looking for in a soul mate. As fate would have it, we wanted the same things and without putting too much thought in it, we started discussing what 'if' we got married when he came home. 'If' turned into when and so began our love story. So, I guess since I wasn't his significant other for the whole deployment I will only count the half that I had to endure. Needless to say, he came home, got down on one knee, proposed and we dashed off to the courthouse to seal the deal (I guess we actually went to the courthouse to make it legal and the deal sealing came later that evening.) We built our life around our jobs in Texas, bough our first home and were blessed with our first child together, a son: Gabriel. And then, when life is grand and wonderful the Army makes it interesting.

That's the thing about being an Army wife, you just never know what is around the corner and have to roll with the punches. Orders to report to Fort Riley, Kansas were in our future and it sure felt like a punch in the gut. The housing market was down, we had to rent our beautiful home for less than our mortgage and move to the middle of nowhere, Kansas. It's a good thing I didn't decide to start this blog then because it would be rather depressing. Moving to Kansas wasn't my first time picking up and relocating, I had done it two years prior - alone for that matter. What didn't help the transition is I let everyone tell me how awful Fort Riley was and we struggled to find a new home.

I won't lie, I cried for two months - until we found a great house to call home and finally were able to unpack and make life normal again. It turns out it's not that bad at Fort Riley. The land is pretty and it's close to family so we have been able to visit more often. The downside, and a huge one for me, is the lack of "city." It's hard for me to adjust to an area with minimal shopping within a 30 minute drive. I adjusted as best I could and just shopped till I dropped when we headed out of town. Plus, Fort Riley was able to deliver my beautiful baby girl, Lilliana, who has made our lives complete.
The story doesn't end there. Once we are settled into our new home, enjoying our time together here comes the Army with
their plans; plans to deploy my husband early. Oh joy. Luckily, another perk, Fort Riley is a family-orientated post and Luis was able to stay home until his dwell time was met, plus a month or so. It was sad to see him go, but thankful it is not for another full year. Fast forward to today where I have relocated my babies to my parents house which saves us on bills, utilities, and most of all my sanity. I am ever so thankful to have help with day-to-day activities with two kids under the age of 2.
So, here we are just taking it day by day, making our lives as happy as they can be. I get to talk to my husband everyday and he never lets me forget that he always has us on his mind. I even get a little spoiled now and then, which isn't too bad either. Besides, happy wife, happy life. :o)