Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Joys of Having Your Child in Daycare...

Today was our typical Tuesday.  Gabe and I get up, get dressed, brush our teeth and head to a local church for his part-time daycare.  He loves going there; I can't get in the room and get his coat off fast enough.  As I sign him in he always says: "Mommy, go in there!"  It's quite adorable.  In the past month that he's been attending "school" he's been sent home twice.  The first time was a bad coughing spell turned throw-up (which he does quite frequently, actually.  Fun huh?) and the second, today, was for ringworm.  Ringworm, how random is that?

I happen to be getting my hair done when the school called me.  Those of you who truly know me, know I change my hair color like I change clothes.  This time it's dark red, the first step towards my natural blonde color.  We'll see how long this trend lasts because I really like the black hair, even though it's really hard to get out if you change your mind.

So, back to the ringworm... The first call I got was the director letting me know they were undecided if he was bitten by another kid or if he did in-fact have ringworm.  They were going to let the nurse look at it and get back to me.  Twenty minutes later, verdict was in: ringworm.  My poor sweet boy was quarantined to the school office and I had to come get him.  Not knowing anything about ringworm, I called our doctor and did a little research on my own.  Apparently ringworm is not contagious like the school thought and can easily be treated with a cream commonly used for athlete's foot.  So, we're armed with our cream and are ready to tackle ringworm.  Now, hours later, if you'd ask me what it is I'd say it a bite mark.  Kids!  I tell you, if it's not one thing, it's another! 

Also today since we had some free time, I started Gabe on some craft projects.  We used the foam stickers and make a collage of bugs for his daddy's bare walls and we started making monsters by blowing paint.  He wasn't too sure at first but he quickly caught on.  And, in typical two-year old fashion, he was uninterested in blowing the paint about 10 minutes in.  We then tried to get him to make hand prints but my crazy boy doesn't like to get his hands dirty.  I don't know what it is.  I'll keep trying though because hand print tulips are coming up on our project to-do list!

"Look, Momma.  Dirty.  Wash it Momma."

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